
Dare to Detox

In the winter months, you may begin to feel dull, drained, and negatively impacted by the cold, dark weather. However, there are certain foods and yoga exercises that detox your body. A “detox” is “a process or period of time in which one abstains from or rids the body of toxic or unhealthy substances; detoxification.” ( Detoxing is a way to revitalize your body from the inside-out. Detoxing is a great way to cleanse from unhealthy diet habits. It also is a great way to kick off your healthy yogi journey. Here are a few foods and yoga practices that are great detoxes! According to, these are the important parts of your body that are main centers that should remain cleaned out. And, here are the foods that pair well with these body parts. Continue reading “Dare to Detox”